Sister Deb Fitzwater is at her mom's recovering from her hospital stay in Salt Lake. She is feeling better, but unable to have visitors at this time. Take a moment of your time to give her a jingle . . . phone calls are more than welcome.
D.I. donations are still being accepted for new items for the Bishop's Christmas. Let's all feel the 'spirit of the season'.
Pack Meeting has been postponed until Thursday, December 14.
Sister Cindy Cluett was able to meet family members that they had become acquainted with through the New Family Search program and were able to do the temple work for some of their ancestors.
Bishop and Sister Jill were able to fly to Washington D.C. to receive an award for their son, Rob. He was awarded a valor award but was unable to be there to receive it due to some training he was in.
Pam and her husband, Wayne, were host to nearly 40 family members for Thanksgiving Dinner. It was a marvelous occasion for them.
"Because of Your Faith" by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was the title of our lesson this week. It was given by Sister Joan Platt and is recorded on page 6 of the November Ensign. It was an expression of gratitude to all in the church:
"I have struggled to find an adequate way to tell you how loved of God you are and how grateful we on this stand are for you. I am trying to be voice for the very angels of heaven in thanking you for every good thing you have ever done, for every kind word you have ever said, for every sacrifice you have ever made in extending to someone -- to anyone -- the beauty and blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
" . . . No one of you is insignificant, in part because you make the gospel of Jesus Christ what it is -- a living reminder of His grace and mercy, a private but powerful manifestation in small villages and large cities of the good He did and the life He gave bringing peace and salvation to other people. We are honored beyond expression to be counted one with you in such a sacred cause."If you have not had time to read this message for yourself, we encourage you to do so. It is a splendid message.