Wednesday, January 19, 2011



John and TyAnna Carson and Jessica Dupass along with her mother, Colleen Jensen, will be going through the temple this Saturday at the 1:20 session.  We are delighted with their choices to receive their endownments and continue in their gospel learning.  Josh and Jess will also be sealed to their little family as well.  What a joyful day it will surely be!

During our night Relief Society, Sister Lynn  Lindsey taught us about stocking our pantry and using those items we store.  She had flavored syrups she had made from her storage items, and we were able to taste them on the pancakes (made from storage items) that Sister Elaine Shriver cooked right before our eyes.   We so appreciate the ladies who spend so much time preparing these events for us.  Although we may have heard some of this before, we are able to constantly learn new things from each occasion, and it is always fun to share ideas with the other sisters who attend.  This is something we cannot hear too much of.  Recipes were also available with great ideas on how to put them to good use in our kitchens.

Sister Lindsey would like us to know that the new price list from the cannery in on the table in the foyer.  All items have increased in price.  Check your pantry to see which items you may be in need of.  At times, you may be able to take avantage of local sales and case lots to your advantage.  Storage buckets with lids are also available at Lynn's home for $3 a piece.  (A great price, by-the-way!)


A free, genealogy seminar is coming to St. George on January 29 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  Former Govenor Olean Walker will be the keynote speaker with twenty different classes available for those who attend.  Classes range from the New Family Search to Photo Editing.  This seminar has met approval of Elder Randy Wilkinson.


New Ward Directorties can be found on the table just outside the Relief Society Room.  Make sure you pick up your updated version!


A big thanks to Sister Leann Riquelme who taught our Sunday lesson, Chapter 25 on 'Fasting'.  She was a wonderful stand-in for Sister Bea Gubler who is recoving from shingles.  We were reminded of why, when, and how we should observe this great principle of fasting in our daily lives.  We learned of the spiritual power available to us as we wisely and prayerfully choose to fast.  "The Savior has said to those who fast properly, 'Thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly'".

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Happy New Year everyone!  Can we believe it 2011 already?  We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones and friends, and that the true spirit of Christmas radiated in your homes.

Our Relief Society has taken on a new look for Sunday mornings.  Our eyes feasted upon a wonderful new bulletin board.  So many thanks to those who helped to re-furbish it.  We will also discontinue the 'good news minute' and the 'music period' in our meetings.  Directions in our new handbooks are giving our teachers the ultimate amount of time for classroom instruction.  The bookmarks were passed out with our new theme for the year and lesson schedules.  We are hoping that each of us will take the time to read our lessons prior to coming to Relief Society and, for those of you who are involved in other organizations, it is a wonderful way for you to keep in touch with what we are learning.

"BEING STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE" is the theme chosen by our ward presidency.  The selected goals for 2011 are:
1.  Learn of Him
2.  Reach Beyond Ourselves
3.  Use Our Time in Inspired Ways
4.  Stand Strong and Immovable
Our objective is:  "To help each of us to find strength in the Gospel and each other."  Let us all make a concentrated effort to work at building that strong, immovable foundation in our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Relief Society Meeting is scheduled for January 18 at 6:30 p.m.  Sister Lynn Lindsey will give a presentation on our Home Food Storage/Pantry.  There will be samples for all to taste.  An event that will surely benefit us all.


After a short but wonderful introduction by Sister Marilyn Tullis on our new theme, Cindy Cluett gave some marvelous insights on '"being steadfast and immovable".  She shared some personal experiences with us that she has had with standing up for the gospel and defending our beliefs.  It will surely take great courage for us to be counted on the Lord's side as we are confronted by much of the world today.  Let us be determined to be the best that we can be.
