News in our Relief Society this week is bringing a warm welcome to our new neighbor, Sister Sarah Jones. She and her husband have just moved into the Spevak Home and are planning on being around a long time. We are excited to have them become the newest members of our ward. In other news, Sister Elaine was back in our midst and we are so glad to see her. She reported that Tony is doing better everyday and that he will be going back in May to have an MRI done to check his progress. Sister Pam once again had her daughter, Chelsea, attending with her. She is announcing a new granddaughter-to-be. Congratulations, Chelsea!
Sister Marilyn has asked that, in view of so much sickness going around, we take a few minutes to check on our neighbors and make sure that all is well. We really need to be watching out for each other.
Thanks to everyone who helped to make our Birthday Celebration a success. Many hands went into making it such a worthwhile endeavor. Thanks to Cindy Flanders and TiAnna Carson for their parts on the program. Thanks to those who served some wonderful food and to all of those who helped to furnish. We appreciate those ladies who helped with the special musical selection . . . it was great!
"The Lord's Law of Health" was our lesson on Sunday and Sister Bea Gubler did a wonderful job in her presentation. Thank you!
Our bodies are temples of God and are Holy. We should appreciate them and treat them with great respect. Our Heavenly Father knows we can be happier, better people if we are healthy. The Holy Ghost can be with us if our bodies and minds are clean.
We are taught that many things are good for our bodies and instructed on those things that are not. Work, rest, and exercise are an important part of a healthy body. Promised blessings come to us as we live the Lord's Law of Health.
President Heber J. Grant has told us, "If you and I desire the blessings of life, of health, of vigor of body and mind; if we desire the destroying angel to pass us by, as he did in the days of the children of Israel, we must obey the Word of Wisdom; then God is bound, and the blessing shall come to us."
President Heber J. Grant has told us, "If you and I desire the blessings of life, of health, of vigor of body and mind; if we desire the destroying angel to pass us by, as he did in the days of the children of Israel, we must obey the Word of Wisdom; then God is bound, and the blessing shall come to us."