Friday, February 26, 2010


I have NO IDEA what I am doing! I am not a Blogger, so PLEASE feel free to give me your suggestions and ideas to make this as user friendly as possible! My idea for this Blog is to give everyone in the Ward a place to go to stay informed and post ideas! I will be posting anything and everything that is going on in Relief Society! Let me know what you think, and how I can make it better! Stay Tuned! Thanks!!
Randi Platt


  1. So Fun Randi!!! Randi the blogsta......You will be so great and I will feel the spirit through my screen..... Man is Newcastle the it place these days - "oh Yea - there's a blog"

  2. I am so glad that you came up with this great idea! It will be a great way to keep each other informed about RS and other things. It might even encourage some sisters to start using the computer!! :) The birthday party sounds like fun...let me know if I can help with anything.

  3. I just realized that the web address for the blog that is in the RS Bulletin is wrong. It is printed as --instead of I hope that we can inform those that may have tried to get on the blog with the wrong address so that they wont just give up.

  4. I seen that also, easy mistake to make! We should have both Elaine and Emily post it in the Bulletins for a while to make sure we get the word out! I noticed Emily had put it on Sundays Bulletin, that was great! We will have to keep our ears out for anyone that is having a hard time with it and help them! Thanks Ladies!

