Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Young Women Shine!

Thanks to our Young Women who conducted our Relief Society on Sunday.  They are surely having a learning experience as they participate with us each Fast Sunday.  We appreciate all their efforts to join us and share their spirit with us. 

We appreciate all who took time to sign the cards for our little Cole.  He is out of intensive care and doing a little better each day.  We send our love and best wishes to the Flannigan Family.

Thanks to all those who attended our Evening Relief Society Meeting last week.  A lot of work went into making it a wonderful time for everyone.  (We appreciate you Elaine and Judy).  There were so many wonderful and yummy cookies.  Thank you ladies for sharing with us.  Sorry that the stockings did not arrive in time, but you will be getting those sometime soon.  The potato bar was delicious and everyone enjoyed a wonderful bonding time together.

WELCOME Sister Deb!  We were so glad to see you back among us on Sunday.  You looked so good.  We certainly send our best wishes to you as you continue to get better.  May the Lord's healing hand be with you in your journey to recovery.


The WARD CHRISTMAS PARTY is on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.  Everyone plan to attend and enjoy the spirit of the season with all your ward family. 

There won't be any YM/YW this week because of the ward party.

The Special Sisters Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, the 14th, in the 4th-5th Cultural Hall.  (11:30 a.m.)  It's sure to be a treat for all who attend.

The Young Women are asked to bring items for the Missionary Boxes next Wednesday, the 15th.  They will be getting them ready for the mail.  A list of suggested items was given to the girls last week.

There are some items from the Young Women's Night of Excellence in the Young Women's room for those who did not attend.

Remember that items for the Bishop's Christmas can be dropped off at the D.I. and would be much appreciated.  You may drop off until December 24.  They are need of new toys, quilts, and items for teenagers.

For those with food from the Food Storage Canning Day, please pick that up from the Cultural Hall.


Thanks to Sister Jill Schill for a wonderul Christmas Lesson.  It was one that we all enjoyed so very much.  The Spirit was felt by each of us in the room as sisters shared wonderful stories of special Christmas's that have touched their lives.  
"We all enjoy giving and receiving presents.  But there is a difference between presents and gifts.  The true gifts may be part of ourselves -- giving of the riches of the heart and mind -- and, therefore, more enduring and of far greater worth than presents bought at the store."  (James E. Faust)
Sister Schill encouraged us to take a page from President Hunter's thoughts about the gifts that truly come from our hearts:
"This Christmas, mend a quarrel.  Seek out a forgotten friend.  Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.  Write a letter.  Give a soft answer.  Encourage youth.  Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.  Keep a promise.  Forgo a grudge.  Forgive an enemy.  Apologize.  Try to understand.  Examine your demainds on others.  Think first of someone else.  Be kind.  Be gentle.  Laugh a little more.  Express your gratitude.  Welcome a stranger.  Gladden the heart of a child.  Take pleaseure in the beauty of wonder of the earth.  Speak your love and then speak it again."  (President Howard W. Hunter)
May we all endeavor to do so!

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