Wednesday, May 11, 2011



Words cannot express our appreciation to our dear Relief Society Presidency that has served us so very well . . . for four faithful years.  Sisters Marilyn Tullis, Deb Fitzwater, Cindy Cluett, and Amy Hart were released Sunday in Sacrament Meeting.   Thanks to each of you for all you have given:  your time, your talents, your love, your friendship and all the service you have rendered. 

Congratulations to the following sisters who were sustained as our new presidency:  Melanie Christensen, President; Christy Gardner and Laura Hughes, Counselors; and Cassy Jones, Secretary.  It is a given that you will serve as well and as faithful!  We are looking forward to being led by your sweet spirits.

Since this slothful blogger has missed a couple of weeks . . . just a little catch-up on annoucements and happenings.  Our little Miss Mary Taylor is advancing from Primary into the Young Women.  Can we believe that she is old enough to be a Beehive?  Wow!

There is a Church Restoration Project underway and donations will be accepted on your tithing slip listed under "Harmony, PA Restoration".  This is a great opportunity for you to be involved in this wonderul project.

Sister Lynn Lindsey is continuing to make our work 'light' as far as our food storage is concerned, and we really do appreciate her efforts.  She is just concluding her order for beans and will surely have a new sign-up sheet soon.  If you will give her your e-mail address, she will send you any current specials or sales that are available.  At times, there are items that you can purchase other places cheaper than at the cannery and she is willing to advise you of those via e-mail.  Presently, she can purchase powdered eggs at Costco nearly $4 less than at the cannery and other outlets she has.  If you are interested in purchasing these, let her know by phone (439-5672) or by e-mail (   Thank you, Sister Lindsey, for going the extra mile.

The Digital Mamogram Unit will be at the Enterprise Clinic on May 17 and 18.  Please call the clinic for an appointment and take advantage of this opportunity to have access to this unit so close to us.

Mrs. Ruby Anderson, a former valley resident, is having a special birthday.  She will be turning 90 years young on May 16.  We invite you to participate in a "card shower" for her.  Please send your birthday wishes to her home in Dolan Springs:  Ruby Anderson, 14225 N. Bullhead Rd., Dolan Springs, AZ 86441-9517.

Please remember to keep Brother Tony Schriver in your prayers, as well as, Sister Anita Thomas this week.  Both are dealing with serious health issues, and we certainly wish a speedy recovery for both of them.


We appreciate the great lesson that Sister Marilyn Tullis gave on the first Sunday about the Relief Society organization.  What a timely subject considering her recent release.  She challenged us to spend our time wisely and dedicate ourselves to the gospel.  She quoted a 89 year old woman who said when asked how she continued to go forward, "my heart gets here first and then its easy for the rest of me."  Perhaps we could take a page from her book.

Sister Christy Gardner taught us well the principle of Tithes and Offerings.  It is so good for us to be reminded of these gospel principles that has such an impact upon our lives.  Being a willing tithe payer is one way we can show gratitude and willingness to obey a commandment.  "When one pays his tithing without enjoyment he is robbed of a part of the blessing.  He must learn to give cheerfully, willingly and joyfully, and his gift will be blessed." (Stephen L. Richards)

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