Friday, March 12, 2010

Info on Birthday Party!!

YaY!! I got our speakers lined up!! Fawn Hulet will be our "Mad Cow" speaker, she said it should be "Moooooving" and "Udderly" entertaining! Can you tell she is going to be GREAT?? Karen Humphries will be our "Holy Cow" speaker, she is one we all look up to, can't wait to hear from them both!! Rycci Crouch will be entertaining us with a performance, along with her sweet daughter Aleighna and a few of her Young Women!! I am so excited! I posted this as a "Comment" last week, but I am learning that not very many sisters are able to see the comments so I am going to do mostly Posts. Is there a way to make all the comments show up without clicking on the comment button??


  1. I am excited! sounds like its going to be lots of fun. I don't know if you can make all the comments show up, I think you have to click on the comments to see them. I'll do some research and see if I can find out----

  2. Thanks Tiff! I just want this to be as user friendly as possible for those sisters that aren't as familiar with the computer! I might just have to do everything as a "Post" instead of commenting on something to add more info! :)

