Sunday, June 13, 2010

What's New...

We didn't have any good news minutes today but we had a few announcements that I that were pretty important so I'm passing them along. Deb commented on how great the Building looked, for those of you that don't know, we recently were told we would no longer have janitors coming into our Building to clean. It is up to us as Ward Members to take care of our entire Meeting House. If you have taken a turn and cleaned it, you know what a time consuming job it is, now it will be an even BIGGER job!! I would encourage every Ward Member to take their turn in cleaning, we need to look at it as a "Right" and a "Privilege" to help take care of the Lord's House. A couple of things mentioned were how we need to make sure to do our part each week and help those that are coming into clean. After I cleaned the Building the first time I realized how important it is to clean up after ourselves, I make sure before we leave after Sacrament that my Kids haven't left any of their papers or wrappers in the Hymn Book Holders, on the floor, or on the Bench. I also make sure the treats I bring for my kids will not leave crumbs, last but not least, if you see something that needs taken care Please take a minute and do so! The other day in one of our wind storms I drove by the Church and seen the big trash can tipped over, so I stopped and tipped it up, what a mess that would have been if the trash would have gotten scattered everywhere!! These simple things that only take us a second will save the ones that will clean a TON of time! So Please be considerate of those that will be cleaning up after us, let's make sure we do our part and make it easier for us ALL!! Sorry, I think I rambled for a brief minute there, moving on... Of course we announced our VT Conference for the 24th at 7:00, I hope all of you will plan to attend! Take a minute and look at the Food Storage sign up sheet, I know I need too! We had a great Lesson, Cindy did a wonderful job on her short notice fill in Lesson, we really appreciate our Presidency and all of their hard work!

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